Jul 31, 2016
Summer in Psalm part 5- Our Worldview
In this message Pastor Ray speaks about our "Worldview" How we develop and maintain our specific worldview. Fact is that our worldview is very different than God's worldview. The good news is that we can change our worldview. Listen in and discover what God wants to speak to your heart. 
  • Jul 31, 2016Summer in Psalm part 5- Our Worldview
    Jul 31, 2016
    Summer in Psalm part 5- Our Worldview
    In this message Pastor Ray speaks about our "Worldview" How we develop and maintain our specific worldview. Fact is that our worldview is very different than God's worldview. The good news is that we can change our worldview. Listen in and discover what God wants to speak to your heart. 
  • Jul 24, 2016Summer in Psalm part 4
    Jul 24, 2016
    Summer in Psalm part 4
    "Summer in Psalm part 4". 
    In this Psalm we look at Psalm 84. This is a powerful Psalm that is easily applied to every day life each of us faces. There are words of encouragement as well as practical things we should apply to our lives that will help us walk victoriously. There is a short video that was played in the middle of the message. When you get to that part of the message you can play the video...it makes more sense then. 
  • Jul 20, 2016Summer in Psalm part 3
    Jul 20, 2016
    Summer in Psalm part 3
    "Summer in Psalm week 3".
    This is a timely message for our nation and our world. We will discover some of the promises of Psalms 37. The truths presented thousands of years ago...still apply to us today
  • Jul 10, 2016Summer in Psalm part 2
    Jul 10, 2016
    Summer in Psalm part 2
    In this weeks Psalm we are going in depth into Psalm 23. This is the most well known chapter in the Bible. This is also one of the most important Psalms for the early Jewish community. It was a source of strength in times of trouble. For us today...we need to learn to meditate, once again, on Psalm 23
  • Jun 26, 2016Summer in Psalm part 1 Playing for Keeps
    Jun 26, 2016
    Summer in Psalm part 1 Playing for Keeps
    "Summer in Psalm part 1 Playing for Keeps". This is the first of a two month series as we get into Psalms...and allow the Psalms to get into us. Psalms 119:11 says " I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." If we are honest...most believers today have hidden very little of God's Word in our hearts. The challenge for this series is to Read, Pray and Meditated on God's word. We want to develop a hunger for His Word. If we will...there is a guaranteed benefit we will walk in. A Psalm Journal was handed out at this service. If you would like a copy then please contact the church office.